Incles, stay strong♡
10:53 PMNate Pann: If there are any sad WINNER fans
(trans.) "I have gotten to this point with the strength in believing that Winner would become one through music, and I'm so thankful that I am able to confirm that strength at this moment today. Also, I am very thankful to all of you because we have gone through a lot of difficult times to meet with you. The five of us really needed this stage since we were young, it was a dream of ours. We were able to achieve this dream by standing on the stage at Big Bang's Dome tour, and at the WIN finale; however, we promised each other that we would have a concert with the 5 of us, and thanks to this tour and all of you, we were able to make that dream come true. I thank you so much. I believe that we will stand on an even bigger stage in the future. I'm not sure if we'll be able to return to this Zepp tour but I don't think we'll ever forget this moment at our first concert for the rest of our lives. Thank you, and thank you guys for being our fans."
If someone like this is the leader, I think everything will work out
Sure you could say that they're faking it, but there are rarely any idols that do it to that extent these days, especially Nam Taehyun, look at how good is to the fans
I believe that if there are a lot of good people who surround you, that shows even more how good of a person you are
There are a lot of people that support Winner; I'm a VIP but strangely I have a soft spot for Winner. If you're sad because of CEO Yang's interviews, just know that the real winner is WINNER. I liked Team A during 'WIN' and I even listened to their whole album and Kang Seungyoon's interview especially left a very deep impression on me. I like Winner a lot!
(+446, -15)
1. (+109, -1) Thank you...♡ To be honest it did make me a little sad, but we have to be understanding... phew
2. (+98, -1) The original "fan's fan" is Nam Taehyun, but as time goes on all 5 members have become their fan's fanㅋㅋ They did an event FOR fans, and their love for fans is always just really strong so I'm so thankfulㅠㅠㅜ Just comeback, kids
3. (+93, -4) Kang Seungyoon speaks very prettily/wellㅠㅠ I'm not a fan but I do support Winner, do well!!
4. (+40, -2) A fool for the fans, NamTae.....
5. (+39, -0) I'm not a fan, but I really hope Winner does extremely well. Their songs are good, and it's very nice to see that the members are like that.
6. (+36, -1) I can honestly tell that these guys are sincere
7. (+33, -0) To be honest, it would be a lie if I said I didn't get sad about it all
8. (+32, -0) Thank you.... Honestly there are time I've been sad because of this, and I even had thoughts that Winner would be forgotten... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Thank you so, so much
9. (+30, -0) Each member of Winner is so kind and has deep thoughts.. Skills are skills, but I fell for their humility and warm personalities
10. (+24, -1) Minho, Seungyoon and Jinwoo too!
11. (+21, -1) Let's do well on our own, Winner Incles I love youㅠㅠㅠㅠ
12. (+21, -0) One of the best things I've done in my life was becoming a fan of Winner
13. (+20, 0) Thank you, reallyㅠㅠ